In JSP with struts tags, it looks like this (assume web.xml has "struts-logic" mapped):
<%@ taglib uri="struts-logic" prefix="logic" %> <logic:redirect forward="home"/>But what about Velocity? Well, it turns out that the VelocityViewServlet stuffs the basic servlet container things into the Velocity context, much like JSTL does in JSPville. Ergo, the $request object itself can be invoked like this:
$request.getRequestDispatcher("/").forward($request,$response)Seems kinda grotty to not be able to use struts symbolic name, but so far that's where my read of the Velocity docs has taken me. As I unpeel the onion, I may be inspired to subclass the VelocityViewServlet as a StrutsViewServlet... it seems like however you're invoking the rendering, you should be able to access, if present, other runtime services such as struts, spring, etc. ( Dec 06 2004, 10:05:35 AM PST ) Permalink